Sunday, February 17, 2008

ADYD (Attention Deficit Yarn Disorder)

Right now I am supposed to be writing an essay for my philosophy class about foundational religious beliefs and a selection from Bhagavad-Gita so that I can turn it in in about 16 hours, but I'm not. I am currently searching the rav for something to do with the 9 skeins of Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool that I have in my stash. I bought 2 skeins of this color:

so that I could make a shawl out of it, but I have yet to do that.

I also bought 7 skeins of this color:

to make the Tangled Yoke Cardigan. I am kind of losing affection for that project though, but I think I may have a solution. Neiman! I'm only unsure about how the colors will work together. I still may end up making the cardigan, but I'm tossing this pattern around in my mind. I really like the pattern, and I have been wanting to experiment with some simple color work, but I also really want the cardigan. I just don't want to spend $40 on all of the different needles that I will need for it.

Must write paper.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

I don't get out much

New Year's Eve 2007: saw a movie with the boy, home by 10 due to drunk drivers, asleep at 12:05.

At least it was a musical. That saved me from being terribly nerdy.

I saw Sweeney Todd. I'm a theater and music nerd, so I was disappointed in the vocals, but it was pretty good. Much of my viewing experience however was involved with figuring out Anthony's scarf.

Here is what I cam up with:


Anthony's Scarf

Yarn: Cascade Ecological Wool #8049 Tarnish

Needle: US #9

Gauge: Unimportant

CO 2 sts

row 1: K1, m1, K1 (3 sts)
row 2 (and all even rows): K across
row 3: K1, m1, K1, m1, K1 (5 sts
row 5: K2, m1, K1, m1, K2 (7 sts)
row 7: K2, m1, K3, m1, K2 (9 sts)
row 9: K2, m1, K5, m1, K2 (11 sts)

Continue in this manner, (K2, m, K to last two stitches, M1, K2) until scarf is desired width (with the cast on edge as the corner of the scarf).

row 1: K2, M1, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2
row 2: K across

Repeat rows 1 & 2 until scarf is desired length

row 1: K2, K2tog, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2
row 2: K across

Repeat rows 1 & 2 until 7 sts remain

row 1: K1, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K1 (5 sts)
row 2: K across
row 3: K2tog, K1, K2tog (3 sts)

BO 3 sts

Block if necessary.